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Here's some stuff about me

God has called me for many years to write my story but I allowed fear to take over and thought "My life is not interesting enough" or "No one will read it" or how about this one..."I'm not a writer".

I didn't think I had much to say until the past year and a half happened.

I struggled with a "mystery autoimmune disease" which was eventually diagnosed as SLE Lupus, my Husband of 11 years decided he wanted out of our marriage, I struggled with clinical depression and was very suicidal.

The night I was planning on taking my life Jesus came to me in the most beautiful and unexplainable way and saved my life. He promised complete healing physically, mentally, emotionally and in my marriage. He called me to be a "Stander" and go to battle for my marriage and fight! 


 I founded A Woman With A Sword with a mission to just get this out in the open and to help through my personal healing process and to also help other women who are going through, similar challenges; do you also need physical healing from illness or God has called you to stand for your troubled marriage?

Girl, let's put on our full armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18) take out our swords and go to battle together!


2 Corinthians 10:3-4

"Though we live in the world , we do not wage are as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."

I will post every Tuesday and Thursday; I hope my my blog will encourage, bring hope, and excite you for what the power of prayer and what Jesus Himself can do.

Feel free to reach out if you need are not battling alone.

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