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Don't stop praying

I was praying all week about what to write about in today’s blog.

While in prayer about this, I was getting discouraged about other things, like my marriage.

It wasn’t anything my husband said, we hardly communicate at all.

It was just that I was getting worn out, I felt like I was praying for the same thing repeatedly, I felt like a broken record; “God, please soften my husband’s heart” “God, please bring my husband back to you!” I’ve cried hard tears, I’ve yelled at the top of my lungs, I’m reading all the ‘praying for your husband/marriage' books…but I see nothing.

Today during my prayer time I told God that I was running out of words when it comes to praying for healing and restoration for my marriage, I told Him I just can’t pray anymore because I’m stuck, I have zero energy to do this anymore. He knows. I don’t.

I did pray for Him to tell me what to do, tell me how to do this.

After my prayer time I turned on a podcast to listen to while putting my makeup on, the podcast I listen to is Rejoice Marriage Ministries (powerful marriage restoration ministry, I encourage everyone standing for their marriage to listen) the podcast was titled ‘Never Stop Praying’ (if God wasn’t trying to tell me something) while listening the speaker said if we stop praying the Enemy is going to steal what the Lord is doing in resurrecting our marriages.

God has called us to pray for our husbands for life even after restoration.

She mentions Colossians 4:2-Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

I do not want the Devil to continue thinking he can try to steal what the Lord is doing; he’s already come in and done too much!

After listening to the podcast, I opened my word and came across 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Ok, Lord, I hear you loud and clear! I will continue praying. I won’t miss a day; I really do not want to miss a day praying for my husband. Not just because this is what God Himself has called me to do but because I love him, why would you stop praying for the people you love? The best gift we can give someone is prayer.

Some of you are also be dealing with a broken marriage and answering the call stand for restoration; maybe you are praying for your child to return home and to Jesus, maybe you are praying for a job, financial breakthrough, healing in your body, or the courage to do something you’ve always dreamed of.

But you feeling tired of praying and praying over and over, and you too are ready to call it quits or you are running out of the words to say and just can’t go anymore. Don’t stop praying! What if what you are praying for is right there but the second you decide to quit you delay the process? The Enemy is already trying to stop Jesus is doing in your life…don’t give him the right to.

1 Chronicles 16:11-Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!

Prayer is not an option; it is a must for whatever it is you are fighting for. Never stop praying friends, the power of prayer works! Remember that God has got this.

Matthew 21:22-And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

Don't stop praying!

Today’s blog is a little short but either way I hope it encourages you to keep praying. Oh! I can go on for days about praying, I have so much to say about it and how it has changed my life. I think we will talk more about it for sure!

This is just what Jesus had spoke to me about today and as I was writing it down I knew that I needed to share with you (Hi readers! 👋)

Until next time, I’m praying for you and Jesus loves you!

Good stuff:

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray without Ceasing,

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

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