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Go Shorty, It's Your Birthday

I know I was supposed to come in with Part II on how my husband and I got to where we are, but today I’m not going to.

I know! I’m sorry!

I have a good reason; the reason is IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! Well, not today, but on Sunday, August 7th, Hence the title of this blog post. Don't judge me, you know that you also sang the song.

I will be the big 4-4, yes, 44. Most people that start inching into their late 30’s and 40’s start freaking out like life is ending…it’s so old!

I have always felt amazing the more I aged, my life is amazing because I have witnessed first-hand the mighty works of God. I’ve seen too much to deny if He is real or not.

You know on Facebook some memories pop up of posts that you made from last year and prior before that? I saw my posts from the past couple of years and I began to cry because I saw photos of my health condition; these photos were of my body covered from head to toe in painful, itchy rashes, chunks of my hair falling out in my hand, body, and joint pain like I’ve never felt before, lost, depressed, full of death, and hopelessness. I saw pictures of me laying in the hospital bed with no life in my eyes, arms bruised from becoming a lab rat while doctors and specialists were trying to figure out what was wrong with me. My husband who I loved so dearly just left me, announcing to me that he did not want to be married to me while I was in the hospital hooked up to machines.

A few years ago, I did not want to be on this earth anymore, if God did not intervene, I may not be sitting here today getting ready to celebrate 44 years of age. I am here because God has a plan and a purpose for my life, and I am going to keep running after Him to find out what that plan is.

I rejoice that on this birthday I am alive, healed, and my marriage is restored. During my bible reading today I came upon the scripture in Psalm 103:2-5 which reads:

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles.

I mean, come on! How can we not worship God, who heals us, and redeems us? Who wants to crown us with his love, and mercy and have good things for us?

He loves us no matter what it is that we are dealing with in life. Look at where you are today compared to yesterday, a few years ago. You’re alive! That means that God has a plan and purpose for your life.

I wanted to share with you the photos from Facebook memories of before I was diagnosed with lupus and today so that you can see what God has done and the reason why I am excited to have another birthday.

I have had some readers ask if I had a Venmo to be able to send some birthday love, no pressure but who doesn’t love some birthday money? My Venmo is @Dianascakebites

Thank you for the birthday love, thank you for believing in me and for me. I promise next week I will continue part II of my reconciliation story.


Here I am today with my Husband

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