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He Calms the Storms

Hi Friends and Family! Thank you for coming back šŸ˜Š I am so blessed to hear some of the feedback that I have been getting, how encouraged some of you get and how you have been passing my website on to others who are going through some of the same things I am going through.

Iā€™ve said before that even if only one person is reading this blog and my story of healing, believing in the power of prayer, and trusting God is helping that oneā€¦I know I am doing what God has called me to do. I am truly blessed!

So, today I just wanted to share something the God has been speaking to me about through this weeks bible reading, this week I opened to Matthew 8:23-27ā€¦you know, the story of Jesus calming the storm, yeah. That one! (You can also read this in Mark 4:36-41)

To paraphrase the story: Jesus and His disciples had been ministering in an area around the Sea of Galilee, Jesus had been healing people left and right, saving soulsā€¦doing what Jesus does!

However, Jesus needed to rest and told His disciples to sail to the other side of the water to the region of Gerasenes. While they were sailing Jesus decided to take a nap; as He slept a crazy storm came through; it was so scary, and Iā€™m sure tossed the boat so violently. The disciples woke up Jesus from His rest begging Him to save them, when He woke up, He asked them why they were so scared, why they didnā€™t have any faith? Then Jesus rebuked the storm, and everything was calm.

I love this storyā€¦Iā€™ve heard it over and over from the time I was a little girl in kidā€™s church but this time I really stopped and thought about it and saw it a little differently.

First of all, just to be hanging around Jesus and watching Him perform miracle after miracle, healing the blind, raising the deadā€¦OMG!

You would think that the disciples would have zero worries while in the presence of Jesus, no fear, not a doubt at all. Youā€™d think, ok, Iā€™m getting in this boat with Jesus and here comes this awful storm but itā€™s ok because I am with Jesus and Heā€™s got this! They spent so much time with Him and saw amazing things, they talked with Him, walked with Him, had personal friendship with Him; yet they had no faith, in the storm they thought they were going to die and Jesus was right there.

It reminds me so much of all of us believers. We have experienced Jesus in miraculous ways; Heā€™s healed us of life-threatening diseases, blesses us financially, saved and delivered us, just blew our socks off! Weā€™ve spent time with Him in prayer, reading the word, going to churchā€¦we have the best relationship with Him but as soon as a storm hits, we freak out and have no idea what to do.

The storm doesnā€™t have to be a real storm but it can come to us in the form of loosing a job and not knowing how you are going to pay the bills, it can come in sickness like cancer, lupus, or some other disease, it can come in a spouse walking away from a marriage, a family member stealing from youā€¦storms come in many forms and the waves and wind are violent and cause us to toss all over the place, lose our faith and question why God is sleeping.

I wonder why Jesus stayed asleep during all the chaos; did He not feel the boat rocking like crazy? Did He not hear the thunder or feel the rain? I tried to find answers like really study on why He was sleeping but I really couldnā€™t find an answer in books or online.

I remember a lot of times during my prayer time with God Iā€™d ask question after question and sometimes Heā€™s reply was simply ā€œIā€™m not worried.ā€

Heā€™d tell me He is going to heal me, that He is going to move in my marriage, that He is going to open doors but then Iā€™d get a report from the doctor that I was healed of lupus but then my kidneys arenā€™t doing too well, or Iā€™d see nothing happening in my marriage so Iā€™d ask ā€˜God! What is going on? You saidā€¦ā€ and God would say ā€˜Donā€™t worry, I got this.ā€™

Never is there a scripture or story in the bible where Jesus was worried about anything, I canā€™t say this is the answer to why Jesus slept through the storm, but doesnā€™t it make since? He wasn't tripping over the commotion at all, only the people who worried and had no faith did.

He probably knew what was going on but was thinking ā€˜Godā€™s got this, we are going to be okā€™.

God has full authority over everything even our storms and He is at perfect peace over what we are dealing withā€¦He does not worry over your bank account that doesnā€™t have enough in it to pay rent and electricity, He is not going to let you drown.

Isaiah 43:2- When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.

If you can learn to trust in God and that He really does have your back you can have peace in the middle of your storm, Jesus is ā€˜asleepā€™ because Heā€™s is not worried, He is at peace with what He is doing in your life. If you have a hard time believing this, I challenge you to think about faith. Jesus asked the disciples after ā€œWhere is your faith?ā€, do you have enough faith to believe He is with you in times of your storms? Do you really trust Him?

I know daily I have to challenge myself to think about my faith, daily He is giving me more peace during my storms.

Until next time Iā€™m praying for you and Jesus loves you so much!

Good Stuff:

Mark 5:36

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, ā€œDonā€™t be afraid; just believe.ā€

Psalm 112:7

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

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