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Healed & Called

So I left on in my story about the "dream" I had and how Jesus spoke healing over me...

I want to pick up from there and share what has happened since then.

After I had that life saving Jesus encounter, I was determined to follow Jesus, walk in His plan for my life, ready to be healed of this disease that has torn my life apart, I was ready to be healed of my broken heart and have my marriage restored.

I prayed all day and asked God to touch me and heal me, I memorized scriptures on healing, I picked up my bible (which I haven't read in years) and started reading the New Testament, where the first 3 books alone talk about Jesus going on healing sprees! It excited me to the core of my being that Jesus could do this and He wanted to heal me...ME!

God had taught me how to pray for my healing; I was literally praying "God, please heal me" all day.

One night I was sucking carpet and praying my usual..."God, please heal me."

It was like He walked in the room and waved His arms in the air and shouted "Wait, wait, wait. Please stop the music, I have something to say!" and the worship music turned off with the scratch of a record.

He would kneel next to me and say "Daughter, why do you keep asking me to do something I already promised? Haven't I already said this is my plan for you?

Instead of asking me to do these things begin to praise and worship me like they are already done. Speak your healing into existence and praise me for doing it."

Then he turned the worship music back on and proceeded to sit with me.

I sat there and thought about what He had just said, it made perfect sense and going forward instead of asking...I praised!

During this time of course I was hit with obstacle after obstacle, the kind that would cause a person to throw in the towel.

I found out of other women my husband had been having relationships with, he threatened me with divorce so that he can be with one woman in particular, who decided to make herself known by messaging me on social media. He was of course speaking out to people things that would make me look like the terrible person.

I was devastated and heartbroken.

I started kicking and screaming to God about this particular part of my life …"I'm done! I can't do this! I'm not cut out to pray for marriage restoration! God release me from this!"

Of course after every question Jesus would just put a deeper love and forgiveness toward my husband.

He told me "Pray her out of his life, trust me, this will not last because it is not of me."

The crazy thing is instead of praying something horrible on her and be angry at her for trying to take my husband away from me; I prayed that God would bless her... Yes, bless her!

Bless her with her own man, an available man, her own husband and that Jesus would save her, pour His perfect love all over; but also to leave MY man alone.

I prayed God close that door....and quick! Guess worked!

Prayer does work!

So. Moving forward...

So God was really growing me spiritually and in my prayer life. Every time I pray I just have the greatest most intimate moments with Him, He talks to me as if He was sitting on my bed next to me, When I'm on the floor He is kneeling next to me just pouring words of love, promises and encouragement over me. He is teaching me to become more in love with Him and more hungry for Him, He was just completely changing me.

In April of this year I went to get updated bloodwork done for the first time since I was in the hospital. Within the week I started getting alerts on my app that test results were coming in; I took a peek and didn't understand any of them but as long as they were coming back positive I was ok. I saw one result that I didn't understand, I opened it up and was reading through it and I saw in big letters "NO SIGN OF LUPUS" I don't even remember what test it was, all I remember was seeing those big letters. My eyes filled with tears and excitement came over me and I just remember throwing my phone down and praising God!

I had an appointment with my Specialist a few days later to review test results; I was anxious to hear him confirm healing.

We had our phone call and he reviewed a few things of small concern and also shared that my numbers where looking wonderful and that things were greatly improving and he was very happy for me. He didn't mention anything about Lupus or that particular test result, we ended our phone call and I didn't think to ask him about it...maybe it wasn't what I thought, Maybe I read that result incorrectly, maybe I wasn't healed.

I was pretty disappointed and I locked myself in my room and prayed and asked God what happened? He didn't answer me...He was quiet.

About 2 weeks later I had a follow up appointment with my Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) to go over my bloodwork on his end; remember, I said that I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. He was very impressed of how my kidney functions where improving and things were looking so much better. He then paused and said "Did your Rheumatologist explain to you this certain test? It was the only with the big flashing letters NO SIGN OF LUPUS! I explained that he did not and that I had been wondering about that.

He said, "I really have no idea how to explain this but we can't find lupus in your body." My mouth dropped.

"I don't know what you are doing or how this happened." Then tears filled my eyes.

The only thing that came out of my mouth quietly was "Jesus."

He looked at me confused and I said it again, this time loudly "It's Jesus! Jesus healed me!"

He smiled and said "Yeah, ok. Tell Him to keep doing what He is doing."

Then the tears turned into a yard sprinkler and I was just crying in praise, my Doctor said "Do you understand that Lupus is incurable? This does not just happen."

I nodded my head in agreement; after he explained that I would still need to have follow up bloodwork done "just to be sure" and I'd still need to take my medications because they were too strong just to stop cold turkey and doses would need to be slowly lowered. When we hung up and I jumped up and down praising God...He did it! He kept His word, He healed me!

I ran downstairs to share with my family and we all rejoiced together.

I even texted my husband, not sure if I'd even get a reaction but I wanted him to know that God is real, He's a healer. His response was "Hallelujah!"

I just began to pray, "What now God? What else are you going to do? Call me, I'll do it!"

He said, "Get ready for this one because it's going to be a doozy and it's going to stretch you big time. This will be hard but I have chose you for this and I wouldn't call you if I didn't think you could do it and I will be with you the whole way."

Trust me when I say that I was afraid of the next journey God had in store for me...what was going to happen? Why was it going to be hard?

After thinking pacing the floor for awhile I looked up, lifted my arms toward heaven and said "Okay God, I told you I'd do whatever it is you ask of let's do this. What is it?"

He replied "It's time to fight, time to war for your marriage and intercede for your husband. I have called you, time to put on your armor and run into the battlefield."

He reminded me that like with any war there will be pain, struggle, doubt, and even the feeling of defeat but with Him by my side we will triumph!

He reminded me of the women in the bible: Ruth, She was loyal in her relationships, God's providence and through her story showed that God is the kinsman redeemer.

Esther who was bold, courageous enough to stand and fight.

Jesus brought me to the verse, Esther 4:14 Perhaps you were born for such a time as this...

Jesus told me "You were born to stand and fight for this moment in your life, to stand for your marriage is a high calling because your prayer life, trust in me, ability to stand against the Enemy's schemes, lies and fiery darts will show you are strong, you are ready and you are a woman of faith."

I saw a vision of me with a sword which is how I came up with the name A Woman With a Sword.

Here I am ready, willing and able to fight.

I am healed and I am called.

Until next time, I'm praying for you and Jesus loves you!

Good stuff:

Psalm 18:39

For you have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

2 Chronicles 25:8

But If you do go, do it, be strong for the battle; yet God will bring you down before the enemy, for god has power to help and bring down

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Aug 30, 2020

W💜w just wow this blessed me so much. God bless you sis you are going to bless many women with you testimony about the goodness of Our Father God Christ Jesus.💜💜💜💜💜💜 so encouraging to hear how real our Abba Father is.


Aug 28, 2020

Love love the work Jesus is doing in you! These are only your beginning chapters. Keep writing, this is Hope for someone. Thank you for putting tears on these pages and keeping it real. ❤

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