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I've got this!-God

The past few days God has been speaking to me about how He has got this!

In all honesty I have been feeling a little confused and discouraged.

I know right? How could I? Nothing that serious going on in my life that could possibly get me the slightest distracted. Me?

Yes, I just pressed my hand over my heart and gave that bojuee ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ look 🤣 (Can you picture it?)

Ok, so here’s what I’ve been struggling with; I recently had an appointment with my Rheumatologist (Lupus Specialist). I had some recent bloodwork done as they are requesting me to do every 3 months or so “just to be sure” and everything is looking great, numbers are improving, lupus still inactive but kidneys are going back and forth, thank you Jesus that I am out of stage 3 kidney disease!

Kidneys are functioning but there is still proteins in my urine (sorry if that was too TMI for you), my Doctors do not want me to stop taking my medications but are lowering doses, I am getting infections so they say that it could be caused by a certain medication, so stop taking that one and replace it with this one.

Also, they have been in disbelief over my healing and went from “You no longer have lupus” to now we are just going to say you have lupus again.

Ugh! The frustration! Do I, or don’t I? I know you are having difficulty believing God could heal me but and actually see it on my test results but turn around and say “We’ll just say you have lupus because of the kidney issue” which again they are seeing are improving as well. *Throws hands in the air* What in the world!

I do not want to get into what I am dealing with when it comes to my husband, it’s a battle for sure.

Yes, I am human, I am flesh and these things cause me to say “Ok, God. What happened? Did I not get healed? Are you not going to heal and restore my marriage? Did I hear you wrong?”

I literally heard God say “Shhhh!” Yes, Jesus shushed me!

He then went on to say “What have I told you? Didn’t I tell you that I healed you and you see in your test results that lupus is gone? Have I not said that I will restore and renew your marriage? Have I not?” I replied, “Yes Jesus, yes you said it, and yes, the results are there.”

“Then believe it! I've got this!”

So there went my doubting attitude! I stepped back and looked at all of this as a testing of my faith, do I really believe that God does have this? I do! I know I do!

Then sometimes I do not…can anyone relate or am I the only one who has those days?

James 1:2-4

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

There’s an awesome song by an incredible worship community called Maverick City, they have an awesome song called “Man of Your Word”. (Heard of it? If not, look it up and just worship!)

During my prayer time I love listening to this song and I’d sing the chorus with all my heart and truly believe the words to the chorus which go like this:

If you said it, we believe it

If you said it, hey!

If You said it, we believe it

If you said it, we believe it

‘Cause You’re a man of Your Word.

Awesome right?

For some reason when that song would come on while cleaning house or riding in the car, I’d “jokingly” sing “If you said it, I sort of believe it!” …whaaaat???

Yes, I’d sing that because I’d see nothing happening in my marriage or the doctors would come back with ‘you still have lupus even though we are looking at your bloodwork and it’s not there, because we don’t believe in this supernatural healing you speak of’.

God is not a man who will lie, He does not change His mind. If He said it, He is going to do it! (Numbers 23:19) Trust me, I do not sing that anymore! I don’t want to proclaim that He won’t it, He already did!

Thank you, Jesus, for changing my mind set. You do have this!

If you had God’s promise to heal you, restore your marriage, bring your prodigal sons or daughters home, or to open the door for that job you’ve been needing…If He said it, if you’re asking Him for it He’ll do it! He’s got this!

Mark 11:24

Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that have received it, and it will be yours.

Just pray, God’s got this!

Until next time, I'm praying for you and Jesus loves you!

Good Stuff:

Psalm 37:5

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act."

Isaiah 58:8

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

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