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Living Proof

Yes, that’s me…living proof that God still is in the healing, miracle making business!🙌

I don’t think that I will ever grow tired of talking about what God has done in my life so far. I wake up daily pinching myself to make sure I haven’t been dreaming a long, crazy dream.

I am healed of Lupus! Some of you may or may not know much about Lupus or may know nothing about it. I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus, in this disease, the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs; yes, it can even cause death!

My brain has been affected by it, I have 2 brain aneurysms, my skin; I’ve been covered in rashes from head to toe and even a red rash on my face, it’s still on my right side of my face. I had stage 3 kidney disease, I had interstitial lung disease, and have mixed connective tissue disease.

Yes, all of this is or was going on my body…God has other plans for me.

If you read my first blog post (if not, please go back and read it) you know that I had been going through a lot physically and emotionally the past year and half, things that caused me to go into a deep depression, give me anxiety, and become majorly suicidal. I’ll never forget to night I was ready to take my own life and Jesus came to me and revealed He was going to completely heal my body, heal and restore my marriage, and that I was going to truly be blessed as long as I would live and walk in the calling He has for me. It hasn’t been an easy walk that’s for sure but when He calls…I’m going to answer.

The minute I decided to live and going forward walk with Him He has been healing me, I have the bloodwork to prove that He has healed me! I have testimony after testimony that He has been faithful!

Not just in healing my body but I have been praying for Him to bless me with a car, the catch is this car must be free (yes, as in I can’t dish out any money for it) because I am not working or receiving any monthly income. Some day I am going to get a job and I need to be able to get to work, my doctor appointments are over an hour drive from where I live and I need to get there without having to wait if I can find a ride or work around other people’s schedules. Yes, I really prayed for a free car, I know we all prayed for some things that really seem out of reach or impossible…but this is proof of how God answers prayers.

One day I was sitting on the couch with my family watching a movie and I get a message from a family friend asking me if I was in need of a car, of course I said yes and it was given to me…yes, given, for free!

Can you believe it? Daily God reminds me that He isn’t even halfway done with what He is planning for my life.

There is power in prayer and I am living proof!

Luke 11:9-And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and your will find; knock; and it will be opened to you.

How about you? Are you living proof that God still moves? Since my journey began I’ve had people tell me stories of friends or family members dying of lupus, talking about how much medication they are on, or how they have to go through dialysis, or how much pain they are in…basically speaking this over me and when I told them of what Jesus spoke over me they have a hard time believing it, these people are followers of Christ too!

I’ve had opportunities to pray with and speak to people who ask me to pray for them for healing, but yet some of them say “I believe Jesus will heal me…in His time.” Or “When He sees I need it.” Oh, I’m sorry, but I’ve just wanted to shake those people and say, “It is His time!”

Did Jesus tell the woman with the issue of blood “Oh, I want to heal you but not right now, maybe later, please leave. I’m busy.” No way! She had faith that if she just touched Jesus’ garment that she would be healed, she did! She pushed her way to Him and touched the hem of His garment and immediately He felt healing power leave Him, when He asked who touched Him and she came forth, He told her that her faith has made her well. (Luke 8:43-48).

Or how about when Jesus healed the blind and mute man, people brought this man to Jesus because they had faith that he could be healed. They asked Jesus to touch him, Jesus took him to the side and put his fingers in his ears, spat and touched his tongue and immediately this man was healed! His ears were opened, and his tongue was loosed! (Mark 7:31-37). Can you imagine if Jesus looked at him and said “Nah, I’m good, maybe some other time”?

That woman and that man were living proof of having faith, living proof that God desires us to be healed.

How about when Christ died for us? He didn’t say “Maybe later, when I feel like it.” NO people! He healed the sick, raised the dead, and died for us without hesitation, because He loves us so much and it is His will for us to be healed and whole…not later but now!

Don’t believe it? Pick up your bible and start in the first three books in the New Testament.

Matthew 17:20- He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Will you allow yourself to also be living proof that God is still moving? Still performing miracles.

Job 5:8-9- “But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”

No, my marriage is not restored; there is not much sign of that happening in my eyes, but Jesus keeps telling me to not stop praying, continue having faith and that He is at work. No, I am not employed, still without work but God continues to come through when I need it and I have yet to be without, I have faith that if God can heal me of an incurable disease that He is going to do the rest!

When He does…oh, man! Watch out! LIVING PROOF!!

I am evidence that God is real, I am truly a miracle…so are you! God is not done with you just as He is not done with me. Have faith, believe, speak it into existence, praise until it happens.

Until next time, I’m praying for you and Jesus loves you!

Good stuff:

Acts 3:16

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can see.

Deuteronomy 10:21

He is the one you praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

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