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Stretching is Good!

Hi friends and family! 👋

It’s been awhile! I needed to take a short break…nothing bad, I just needed it 😊

God has been so good these past few weeks, just blessing after blessing and of course lots of teaching moments as well.

I am so grateful for the teaching moments because it is molding and shaping me into the woman He has called me to be, the woman I needed to be but I was too stubborn, too self-conscience, too full of past garbage to see that I could be capable to love, be loved, to forgive, be forgiven, to walk in confidence and be confident in who I am in Christ.

I haven’t felt this way in a very long time, I just love what God is doing in my heart.

Jesus is showing me what it is to be a woman of God and a Godly wife, let me tell you…it’s hard! I have had to lay down so much and just throw my hands in the air and say ‘Ok Lord, I’m done! I just want to be the person you have called me to be.”

Some days I feel like Stretch Armstrong, remember that toy? The rubbery man that you can stretch, pull, and twist? He would always go back to normal after doing all kinds of crazy things with him, that’s what Jesus is doing with me…not in a bad way at all. Stretching is good!

When you wake up first thing in the morning, you give a good long stretch. When you are running or working out you stretch, when you are in pain you stretch, and it helps relieve the pain; it helps us become more flexible.

Sometimes stretching can be a bit painful, if you wake up with a sore back or neck when stretching it can hurt at first if you’re sore it hurts! Of course, stretching can make all the soreness go away. God wants to stretch and pull us, but He will not break us, we will always go back to normal.

Isaiah 42:3- “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench.”

There are so many ways He stretches us, sometimes they look like a test these are just God’s way of seeing how we can handle what may be coming our way. It can be a financial setback, marriage separation, family issues, health problems, when things just seem to not be going ‘your way’. So how do we handle these things? Do we just break and react in stress, anger, and give up?

Remember the past issues that I had been holding onto to the point of me taking it out on my marriage, myself and even Jesus? The stretch for me was bringing all those issues out in the open and forgive, heal, and let them go. That was so hard to face those issues, it was hard to look at myself in a mirror without being disgusted, it was hard to finally speak life into myself without thinking what a failure I was.

Even just speaking life into others, responding in love instead of getting short with someone (I was good at that) Proverbs 16:24- Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Don’t look at your current situation as God being far from you, rather it is a stretch…stretches are good for us, it’s a reminder to trust Him and remember in the process He will never break us or tear us apart but He will relieve the pain and we will snap back.

James 1:2-4-My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its prefect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Embrace the process, He is only trying to strengthen us, grow us and mold us into the person He wants us to be.

He is good! 🙌

Until next time (there will be a next time I promise I’m back), I’m praying for you and Jesus loves you!

Good Stuff:

Psalm 119:28

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.

Isaiah 26:3

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

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