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When I'm Afraid

The other day was very traumatizing for me…I was sitting on my bed having a Holy Ghost prayer time, writing in my prayer journal, my bed was covered in books and papers; then I hear what sounds like a thump on one of my papers and a scattering sound.

I open my eyes and look around my bed and there is a giant spider scrambling all over my books trying to crawl up my wall! Of course, I fall off my bed trying to get away and I’m biting my lip trying to keep myself from screaming like I’m in a horror movie. I go to open my bedroom door so I can holler for help but then I get the courage to grab a shoe and just smash the spider myself; I turn to find him crawling up the wall and this guy is huge! I am overcome with fear, big time scared out of my mind! I close my eyes holding tightly onto my flipflop and I pray 🤣 “Jesus, please don’t let this spider jump on me and eat me.” Then, I just did it! I smashed him with my flip flop and then yelped as I jumped back because his body fell…somewhere. I then scrambled and pulled off the comforter from the bed so quickly 😂 and shook the blanket hoping that the body fell off…zombie spiders may be a thing, I don’t know 🤷‍♀️

I don’t need a little spider ghost coming back from the dead to haunt me because I killed him 😂👻.

Ok, in all seriousness, I have a mild case of arachnophobia, I say mild because I just need someone to kill it for me, or a few pep talks to myself to get the courage to kill it myself, with tears in my eyes of course.

I hate spiders, I am scared to death! I always imagined at night while I sleep having them crawl in my ears and laying eggs in my head, crawling on my face or in my mouth. Spiders can bite and poison you, they are ugly and I just….*shivers* as I type this I am looking around me to make sure one isn’t crawling out of the ceiling to land on my head…OMG!!

That night after I pulled myself together I got back into prayer and I thanked Jesus for not letting that spider kill me by swallowing me whole and I prayed for his icky little soul to be welcomed into the kingdom…wherever little creepy crawlers go 😂.

I started to think about fear, we all are afraid over something; spiders, clowns, death, the dark…just to name a few.

It’s funny too because when we are facing fear, we want to call out to someone, we need someone to rescue us.

When I’d see a spider, I remember calling out to my husband to come and kill it for me. I also visualize going through a haunted house and when we feel like we’re about to be scared we grab another person who is with us and throw them in front 😂, when I child is afraid of the dark or the boogie man they cry out for mom.

I know for me there have been plenty of times (especially with what’s been going on this past year) I’ve been afraid, uncertain of what’s going to happen in the world, what’s going to happen to me with my health, my marriage, everything!

Most of the time when fear strikes, we call out to Jesus, we know He is going to save us! He is that flip flop to our spider in a sense.

It’s true! His name draws away all fear, He is certain when we are not, He’s so strong when we are weak.

Isaiah 41:13-‘For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.’

He wants to be the one we call on; He wants to hold our hand even through the darkest of valleys in life.

Psalm 23:4- Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

There is such a peace in knowing that God is always there in the midst of our fears, a peace that is so great and powerful, a peace I yearn for daily; it is how I exist, it’s what I proclaim.

If I didn’t have God peace in my life, I’d go crazy! We’d all go crazy without the peace of God in our lives, could you imagine? Chaos, fear, depression, always living in fear of everything, and constant worry? I am so glad Jesus is there when I call out and I can put him in front of the very thing that scares me, and He protects me.

1 Thessalonians 3:3- But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

We serve a great God! He protects us!

I guess my little spider encounter gave me an inspiration for today’s blog, it isn’t long or full of impeccable wisdom. Just saw a spider and God spoke to me about overcoming fear, and how He can help; I just knew it was too good not to share.

Until next time I’m praying for you and Jesus loves you so much!

Good Stuff:

Psalm 17:8-9

Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who are out to destroy me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.

Psalm 34:7-9

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing.

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