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Where are we? (Part 1)

To freshen up your memories, from 2019 to mid-2020 I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus, separated from my husband, unemployed, and living at my parent’s house.

I was sick, depressed, and constantly wondering why God was doing this to me.

One night I contemplated ending my life; the pain I was in physically, and emotionally was just too much and I was done.

God stepped in that night, visited me, called me to war for my marriage and He would heal me and restore what was lost; He gave me hope.

I did it! I prayed, fasted, and fought tooth and nail. It was the hardest thing that I had to go through, lots of tears, disappointments, uncertainty, and yet peace.

Today I rejoice because God does in fact answer prayer, He fulfills His promises.

My husband is home with me, my lupus has been in total remission for the past 1 and a half years.

As I mentioned it did come without a fight.

At the time of my last blog post in November of 2020 my husband and I had just started “talking” to each other, even a few months before then. He was living about an hour’s drive away living in his place and I was at my parent’s house. He reached out around August around the time of my birthday, with a simple Facebook message wishing me a happy birthday; before I was blocked from any communication with him. After that, there was an occasional text, and small conversations, and then at times, it was silence.

Of course, I was screaming on the inside, but I didn’t want to be too hopeful, although I have been praying for this I didn’t want to be bamboozled.

You know when you’ve been praying for something to happen and then it’s slowly coming to fruition but still take a few steps back like, “this isn’t real is it”? Well, me. I did that.

I continued praying for my husband, praying that God would soften his heart, praying that God could teach me to become the wife my husband needed, for forgiveness.

The holiday season rolled around, and he had invited me to spend Christmas with him and I gladly did, then something happened that shook my spirit; he was playing a game with his cousins, and someone had brought out a deck of tarot cards he grabbed the deck of cards and started reading them.

I felt immediately the Holy Spirit say, “it’s time to go”, I sat there wrestling the God, I knew I could not be there with him if these things were going to be happening. Talk about spiritual warfare.

I told him that I needed to go and told everyone goodbye, I sat in the car just crying. Not necessarily because I was sad but because I knew the enemy thinks he’s going to have a grip on my husband, he thinks he is going to come between my husband and his calling. As I sat in my car, my husband ran out after me to see why I was leaving. I tried explaining to him that I could not be there without sounding too judgmental. I left and on my way drive home I just shouted praying over my husband’s life, covering him with the blood of Jesus.

A few hours after I arrived home there was a text message saying that he was outside my parent’s house waiting for me to come home with him, he was sad that I left and wanted to spend Christmas with me.

Reluctantly, I went back with him.

I am going to leave it right here, otherwise, this blog will be way too long.

I will come back with part 2 next week…it’s getting good right?

I’d also like to announce that A Woman with a Sword is officially a .com!!! I feel so official now.

Until next time, I am praying for you and Jesus loves you so much 😊

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1 Comment

Shelli Prosser
Shelli Prosser
Jul 30, 2022

Can’t wait for part 2! You are such an inspiration!!

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