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Where are we? (Part 2)

Before I continue my reconciliation story, I want to think everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts. I had the best day with my family celebrating 44 years on this earth. đŸ„ł

OK, now to move on! I left off at Christmas time; Just a fast recap: I left my husband at his family’s house when things were happening that the Lord did not want me to be around.

I drove over an hour back to my parent’s house praying for God to move in my husband’s life. As soon as I got home, he called me and wanted to drive out to pick me up so we could spend Christmas together. I did go back with him.

Since that night just about every weekend, he would pick me up to spend weekends with him and then drop me off at my parent’s home on Sunday, naturally I was very excited that I was spending so much time with him. At first, we went through an awkward phase, almost felt like I was being set up on a first date with a guy I didn’t even know.

When I stayed the night at his apartment I would sleep on the couch, I’d wake up in the middle of the night and play worship music and pray over him and his home. One night I remember finding cooking oil and praying over it so I can use it as anointing oil and I’d dab a little on his doorways and windows, as he was in deep sleep, I even dabbed some on his forehead 😁

As more weekends passed, we had the conversation about everything that happened, I'll never forget him asking me for forgiveness and wanting to work things out, the one thing I was praying for was that he would also face my family since I was dropped off to live with them and he confessed to an affair while I was there.

After our weekend visits, he would always just drop me off at my parent’s house and drive off in a hurry to avoid seeing anyone. I’d ask him, when are you going to come in? he’d say he wasn’t ready, and it would be on his time.

I continued daily to intercede for my husband, things were going great, but it wasn’t complete.

One day when I was being dropped off at home, I grabbed my bags, and like always I rushed to get into the house before anyone else would come outside. I left my purse in the car, and as I ran back, I yelled at him to stop. He abruptly stopped the car, and I could see the panic in his eyes, “I forgot my purse.” Just as I said that I heard “Hey!” and I turned around and my dad was getting out of his car, the whole time he was sitting in his parked car in the driveway. I grabbed my purse and ran inside.

I ran to my room to pray; my dad and husband had not spoken to each other for months. They were outside talking for a few minutes. When he came in, I wanted to know so badly what was said but all I was told was it was all love.

The next time my husband came to pick me up he knocked on the door and came into the house, he hugged my mom and threw himself on the couch, and made himself at home.

After that, I knew my prayers were being answered.

The next thing I knew we were trying to figure out what our next move was, he lived up north about an hour and 45 minutes away at an apartment that was provided by his job as a Maintenance Supervisor at his apartment complex, the area he lived at was not a good part of town, the apartment complex had a lot of issues with Residents and he did not want me to live there because it was not safe, at the time I did not have a job. Next on the prayer list: find and job and a home for us to live in together.

Let me for one quick second take you back to 13 years ago to 2009, my husband and I were just married and got our first job together as apartment managers, the job provided us with free housing; I managed the office, and he the maintenance. Of course, as the years passed, we moved on and had other jobs, and even lived in Washington state. As I was sitting on his couch, I was looking for jobs online, and lo and behold there was a job opening at that same apartment complex, just for an office manager; of course, free housing included. I told my husband about the job, and he told me, “If you get this job, I know it’s God.”

So, I applied for the job, and I got it!

I first moved into the apartment with a lawn chair and inflatable mattress, my husband had all our belongings. He still hadn’t put in his two-week notice at his job, of course, I was confused; does he not want to move in with me? He said if I got the job, he would know it was God but why would he wait? Now this time on the weekends he was coming to see me. It was crazy how all these things were coming together the enemy was working overtime to try and tear it apart, we’d fight! A lot! Why wasn’t he trying to move in with me? He was having second thoughts wondering if he was doing the right thing. Honestly, I was even starting to wonder if the reason he wasn’t moving so quickly was that there was someone else.

I think the problem was that God was answering and keeping His promises, so I figured that everything was going to move quicker *snap, snap * and because it wasn’t moving fast enough for me, I started allowing thoughts to enter my mind that maybe this marriage isn’t going anywhere, maybe my husband doesn’t want to come back. It was so bad that I even heard voices saying, “Just divorce him, you don’t need him.” But I knew that God doesn’t take back His word, He doesn’t lie, and God does not tease us by opening a door halfway and saying, “Just kidding!”

I had to snap out of this thinking I was doing and get back into my prayer closet. Sure enough, this is where God reminded me, “Did I not promise you? Did I not keep my word? I healed you; your husband is spending time with you when a few months ago he wanted nothing to do with you. I opened the door for you to get a job back at the same place you started; I am going to allow you two to start over, back from the beginning. He will come.”

The Lord always has a way of putting me in check with love and reminding this is where you were and now look where you are.

2 months later my husband was with me, we were officially living together. There were lots of things that we had to fight through, we had to overcome a lot: trust issues, learning how to communicate, learning how to love each other all over again. It’s been challenging and still is to this day, but every day we love each other more, we pray together, and we see changes in each other. God is changing me and how I respond to my husband, my prayer life is sometimes intense for me (LOL!) I see my husband hungry for God.

A few months ago, the Lord revealed to me Ephesians 4:2-3 which says:

with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Every time I am ready to have an attitude with my husband I am reminded to love and keep unity and peace in our marriage and home.

I look back 2 years ago and the year we were separated trying to hang onto life, wondering why the things that were going on around me were even happening. I was depressed and sick, Jesus called me to pray and believe for restoration and I did; here we are, living proof that God keeps His word
my marriage is restored, I am healed of Lupus, and He isn’t even done yet!

Please, whatever it is that you are praying for DO NOT STOP! Even if it feels like years, DO NOT STOP!

Numbers 23:19

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

If you need anyone to pray with you, please shoot me a message and I am on it!

Until next time, I am praying for you and Jesus loves you so much 😊

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